Ann Li

Hand-written name, "Ann Li"

Ann Li

is a multidisciplinary designer
driven by
storytelling, sense-making, and curiosity, exploring experiential narratives and creative tech

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Ann Li

Neurobiologist-turned designer. Currently pursuing a Masters in Interaction Design at Carnegie Mellon University.

Work spans the digital and physical, including multisensory exhibits, creative direction and strategy, interactive installations, and user interfaces.

The Future of Broadway

Reimagining the theatrical experience for the future using new and emerging creative technologies


Creative Direction
Concept Ideation
Content Writing
Physical Fabrication


Sep-Oct 2023




Cara is an intelligent voice assistant for CVS, designed to simplify the customer experience and provide personalized care through conversational AI.

We were tasked with exploring the concept of "Broadway 4.0" by reimagining the lobby experience for the musical Hadestown using new and emerging creative technologies. The last three years have seen huge advances in multichannel live-streaming, due to pandemic and other market conditions, creating a unique opportunity to apply emerging creative technologies to cultural institutions and events.

Our focus was on enhancing existing experiences while preserving the core narrative and respecting audiences’ freedom of interpretation, designing immersive, interactive experiences with digital projection mapping, interactive filter activations, and programmable structures. The final concept brings a version of the myth of Orpheus to life by expanding the narrative dimension, attracting new audiences, and reimagining the theatrical experience for the future.

I led project management, creative direction, concept ideation, art direction and environmental prototyping.

More details coming soon
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© 2023 Ann Li
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